This iPhone Setting Will Make It Easy To Switch Between Pages On Safari

Safari app icon on iPhone

Jam Kotenko/SlashGear

Even though Safari is Apple’s official browser app for its devices, you can actually change your iPhone’s default web browser to a third-party option. If you do, though, you may miss out on some of the features and upgrades Apple’s made to Safari over the last few years. For instance, in 2022 with iOS 16, Apple added passkeys, a more secure way of logging in to apps and service while browsing the web than standard passwords. Meanwhile, those who’ve recently upgraded to last year’s iOS 17 can enjoy an overall faster search that provides more relevant related suggestions. The company also added a feature to lock private browsing tabs between uses.

With the imminent release of iOS 18 this fall, it can be easy to overlook iPhone features that came out long ago. For Safari, there are little known features like the ability to create tab groups. Apple’s also added features to change the location of the Safari address bar, a setting that initially irked iPhone users. This setting though actually unlocks a pretty useful and seemingly underutilized feature that makes it easy to page-hop on the browser app.

How to change the tab bar location

iPhone Settings app Safari layout

Jam Kotenko/SlashGear

Since Apple released iOS 15 in 2021, iPhone users have had the option to pick between two address bar placements for the mobile browser’s interface: the original that places the search field at the top of the screen, or a newer «tab bar» layout that places it at the bottom of the screen instead. Here’s how you can make modifications to how Safari looks like on your iPhone:

  1. Launch the Settings app.
  2. Scroll down and go to Safari.
  3. Under the Tabs section, select Single Tab to place the address bar up top. Otherwise, pick Tab Bar to have the address bar placed at the bottom.

The top tab bar option is likely what a lot of mobile browser users are accustomed to as top-of-page is often the default placement of address bars across a variety of browser apps, including those used on computers. If you want more flexibility in your use of the browser app on your iPhone though, there is merit to picking the lesser known page layout instead. Not only is it more thumb-friendly, but it adds certain browsing features that are only accessible when you do so.

Surfing Safari’s tab bar layout

iPhone Safari switch tabs

Jam Kotenko/SlashGear

If you opt for the bottom Tab Bar view in the Settings app, you can easily switch from one web page to another by swiping left or right on the address bar at the bottom of the screen. If you have several browser tabs open at once, you can essentially flip through them, as if you’re reading a book. Meanwhile, if you choose to stick with Safari’s Single Tab layout, you can only view one page at a time. You’ll also need to click on the Tabs switcher icon to see all your open pages or any tab groups that you may have.

Based on testing, embracing the unconventional bottom-of-the-screen address bar placement has a few perks. It makes it more convenient to use Safari and operate your iPhone one-handed. You can quickly type in new searches or websites into the search field since it’s closer to the thumb of the hand holding your device. It’s also easier to scroll through your tab group carousel — that’s also located at the bottom of the iPhone screen — when you hit the Tab switcher icon to view all your open tabs.

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