Streaming Devices


How To Opt Out Of Personal Data Collection On Amazon Fire TV

Homesh Nasre/Getty We may receive a commission on purchases made from links. Are you watching the television, or is it watching you? Apps, devices, and services have grown too comfortable requesting user information. Often disguised as a requirement for providing an «enriched user experience,» most smart things keep tabs on us — it’s understandable if that […]

How To Opt Out Of Personal Data Collection On Amazon Fire TV Leer más »


8 Must-Have Streaming Services (And The Cheapest Way To Get Them All)

Ralf Liebhold/Shutterstock We may receive a commission on purchases made from links. Given the massive number of options available, choosing which video-streaming platform to sign up for can be incredibly confusing these days. Some of the current and more popular TV shows and movies are usually available across various streaming services, so it may seem

8 Must-Have Streaming Services (And The Cheapest Way To Get Them All) Leer más »

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