House of Talent


What the hell is job boomeranging and why is it trending right now?

Not, in fact, a fun sports perk offered by tech companies eager to keep up with the latest in compensation trends, “job boomeranging” is actually a rising workplace trend. In a nutshell, it’s when a former employee bounces back to a previous employer. The trend has been observed by experts such as Anthony C. Klotz, […]

What the hell is job boomeranging and why is it trending right now? Leer más »


Job seekers, want to build a stable career in tech in 2023? Check out these industries

Talk of a tech recession and mass layoffs across the sector dominated the headlines in 2022. And while certain areas have contracted and companies have acted accordingly by reducing their workforces, various industries continue to go from strength-to-strength and have been bolstered by the growing demand for cloud-based technology, machine learning tools, blockchain technology, and

Job seekers, want to build a stable career in tech in 2023? Check out these industries Leer más »

surprise:-business-leaders-should-be-compassionate-–-here’s-the-evidence-to-prove it

Surprise: business leaders should be compassionate – here’s the evidence to prove it

In the month after Elon Musk triumphantly announced his takeover of Twitter with his now famous “the bird is freed” tweet, he implemented a large-scale cull of the social media platform’s global workforce. While Musk’s rationale for this move was to make Twitter more efficient, how he carried out the cuts was widely criticised as

Surprise: business leaders should be compassionate – here’s the evidence to prove it Leer más »


3 nightmare interviews for software developers

This article was originally published on .cult by Nadya Primak. .cult is a Berlin-based community platform for developers. We write about all things career-related, make original documentaries, and share heaps of other untold developer stories from around the world. The tech industry is not known for having great interviewing processes. From the notorious whiteboard interviews

3 nightmare interviews for software developers Leer más »


Everything you need to know about big tech’s ‘digital layoff’ spree

Elon Musk is progressing plans to slim down Twitter since he bought the 396 million-member platform for US$44 billion (£38 billion) on October 27. Musk’s deal has taken Twitter private, dissolved the platform’s board and enhanced his unilateral power as CEO. But mass redundancy announcements made since he took control have been scrutinized globally. Musk’s

Everything you need to know about big tech’s ‘digital layoff’ spree Leer más »


Yes, company values and vision matter when looking for a job

Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter earlier this year has shined a bright light on how quickly the sands can shift under employees’ feet. “Please note that Twitter will do lots of dumb things in the coming months. We will keep what works & change what doesn’t,” the SpaceX CEO tweeted of his mission for Twitter

Yes, company values and vision matter when looking for a job Leer más »


Forget about algorithms and models — learn how to solve problems first

Almost weekly a friend or an acquaintance asks me, “I want to learn to code; which language should I start with?” More or less bi-weekly I get a DM on LinkedIn starting with, “My son should start programming; what is the best language for him?” It’s not just people who’ve never coded before. Often I

Forget about algorithms and models — learn how to solve problems first Leer más »


Just what are ‘returnships’ and why are they trending right now?

You can’t have been active in the workplace (or had an account on a social media platform) over the last couple of years and not come across the term the “Great Resignation,” also known as the Big Quit or the Great Reshuffle. It started as a US-based economic trend whereby employees voluntarily left their jobs

Just what are ‘returnships’ and why are they trending right now? Leer más »

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