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Ever wanted to use your phone in the shower? How about your tablet? If you answered yes, you should probably reevaluate your dependence on technology. But there’s finally a solution to make your addiction a little more bearable.
What you see is what you get folks, there ain’t much for me to describe here. It’s a clear shower curtain, made of PVA, with pockets for you to stick your gadgets in. It even includes various pocket sizes to allow you to use tablets or smartphones in a horizontal or vertical position.
In case you are wondering, by the look of it, the thing seems to have 17 pockets to store gadgets. Maybe it’s just me, but that seems a bit overkill, I think 12 or even 9 pockets would’ve been enough.
Unfortunately, It’s currently unavailable on Amazon, but that’s probably a blessing in disguise.
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