Don’t Want People Putting Ducks On Your Jeep? Here’s What To Do

Lots of rubber ducks

Enviromantic/Getty Images

With its rough-and-tumble style and removable doors and roof, the legendary Jeep Wrangler lineup has long been a symbol of fun-loving freedom for the 4×4 set. If you count yourself among the millions of Jeep drivers in the world, you likely know one of the pros of ownership is the existence of the Wrangler sub culture, which includes everything from secret Jeep-to-Jeep waves to the fine art of «ducking.»

As it stands, the ins and outs of the infamous Jeep Wave might seem intimidating for some. However, the waves and the etiquette behind them are relatively easy enough to learn. Perhaps more importantly, it’s entirely up to each owner whether they want to participate in waving. The same cannot be said for ducking, which is what Jeep owners call it when a complete stranger strolls up to their Wrangler in a parking lot and leaves a rubber ducky somewhere on the vehicle. 

There are Jeep owners who love ducking so much they proudly display their ducks on their dashboard, and there are entire online forums devoted to the joys ducking. Other Jeep owners are less enthusiastic about finding new ducks on their Jeep, which can be extra frustrating because, well, there really isn’t a way to stop fellow Wrangler-lovers from ducking their vehicle. Thankfully, if you are in the group who’d rather toss a duck to the wind than display it on your dash, leaving a simple display on your Jeep might help.

A simple sign or sticker might keep your Jeep duck free

If you genuinely loathe finding a new rubber duck on your Jeep Wrangler when you walk into a parking lot, it would seem the only 100% fool-proof way to stop the ducking insanity is to just drive a different vehicle altogether. But we understand that trading vehicles is obviously not ideal for anyone who already owns a Jeep, especially as Wrangler drivers tend to have pretty strong feelings about their vehicles. Rather than ditch your Jeep, the best way to keep the duckers at bay may be to put a «No Ducking» sign on your windshield.

Such a sign doesn’t have to be anything intricate, rude, or forceful, and can even be a simple handwritten «NO DUCKING PLEASE» sort of thing if you’re not looking to put too much effort into the design. If you’re looking to be emphatic about having a rubber duck free Jeep, you can even make a sign for the front and back of your Jeep. Though you’d no doubt want to laminate each or slide them into a plastic sleeve to protect them from inclement weather.

If you’re not averse to adorning your Jeep with a sticker or two, you can avoid the weather-proofing measures by dropping a few bucks on a specially designed «No Ducks» sticker. With numerous online retailers producing anti-ducking stickers, there are countless options to choose from, though most are some variation of the traditional circled rubber duck with a slash line running through it. Yes, stickers can be messy, and even a little tacky, but if you want a duck free Jeep, they’ll likely do the trick.

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