Daki secures $5M investment for 360 marketing strategy in 2024

Daki, a Brazilian digital supermarket startup, secured a $5M investment from “media for equity fund” 4Equity Media Ventures to invest in marketing strategies across different channels.

4Equity Media will help Daki increase its online presence in exchange for equity. Daki will invest in growth through influencers, Podcasts, Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH), Paid Media, and TV.

“We are going beyond the conventional to win over Brazilians and redefine the way supermarkets are done in the country,” said Rafael Vasto, Co-Founder and CEO of Daki.

Daki is a fast-service grocery delivery app that works with fulfillment centers. App users can browse, shop, and have their everyday essentials delivered within minutes.

Read more on Startup.

Jort is a financial journalist who specializes in emerging market economies. He writes a blog focused on Latin American financial markets. Previously, he worked as a multi-asset portfolio manager and management consultant for financial services.

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