Collins Unlimited/Shutterstock
If you need a specific tool, appliance, its supposedly special ICON knife, or any other aid in at-home or professional labor, odds are Harbor Freight has you covered. The chain is all about supplying folks with what they need to get a range of jobs done, without breaking the bank. Still, there are several times of year to score Harbor Freight deals and discounts, making purchases from there all the more warranted. Not to mention, the company offers a variety of each tool to choose from, which is especially evident through its extensive selection of pumps.
Like many of its power tools and appliances, Harbor Freight’s pump catalogue is vast, and features models for various jobs. Its gas engine, utility, and transfer pumps are best suited for removing water from places it shouldn’t be, like a basement or yard, for example. Meanwhile, sump pumps remove accumulated water from basements before flood can occur, well pumps bring water from a ground well to connected water storage tanks, fountain pumps bring in water to be used in fountains, other water features, or aeration devices, and sewage pumps move sewage and waste water to a main sewer line.
With all of these pumps to choose from, thankfully, it’s not too hard to figure out which one you need.
Choosing the pump that is right for you

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The gas engine, utility, transfer, sump, well, fountain, and sewage pumps from Harbor Freight are all designed with specific tasks in mind. Have a water feature set up that needs water from a nearby pond? A fountain pump will suit you just fine. What if you walked downstairs to suddenly find your basement underwater? A new sump pump is likely in order. Of course, simply identifying which pump is needed for a broad task isn’t all there is to figuring out which pump is best for you. There are also other elements to consider when making such a decision.
First and foremost is the price factor, as pumps of all kinds come at varying costs — and they certainly don’t fit among Harbor Freight’s top-rated tools for under $10. They range anywhere from the mid-teens to almost a thousand dollars, so it’s wise to do some research and see what’s in your budget. Perhaps equally important is the pump’s power. Some units can displace thousands of gallons per hour, while some can move hundreds per minute. This can be dependent on whether they’re clear water pumps for, of course, clear water, semi-trash pumps for water with some debris, or full-trash for debris-heavy settings. Harbor Freight also has a handy pump questionnaire on its website to help pair you with the proper pump for your job.
Though we need it to survive, water can be frustrating and appear where it isn’t wanted. Hopefully, Harbor Freight can get you the right pump you need to dry up that in-home flood, get that waste plumbing running smoothly again, or simply remove water from where it shouldn’t be.